Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


I don't know what to do... I think I might be single after I graduate.. I mean look at me, who would ever want to go out with me? I'm fat, not very intelligent.. umm.. let me just say I'm clueless in some things, I can get pretty annoying, am disobedient at times, quite a rebel and am very moody. Although I am said to be smart, pretty even if I'm "chubby", kind, passionate, a good friend, patient and stuff, those negative things about me are are enough to make those of the opposite gender take me off their lists. *sighs* oh well... I guess that's life.

Also, I've been trying to maintain a diet but found that it is quite hard to do so. Reason? I'm depressed. I wanna pig-out. I wanna get sick. I wanna... I wanna... I don't even know what I want!

Reasons for why I am depressed: no lovelife, am fat, so many assignments, need to buy things to replace things that had been broken, no lovelife, low grades, have to mantain diet, need to do lots of stuff like study, study, study! And did I forget to mention I have absolutely NO lovelife?! *sighs* yes.. that one makes me depressed enough... I'm gonna be single. I'm gonna be single! I'm gonna be SINGLE!!! I DO NOT WANT TO BE SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna have a profession/job, a married life and some children!! Waaahhhh!!!! Now, I think I sound too hysterical... I think this was because of my reading too much of those Cathy comic books. hehe... *sighs*


At Wednesday, September 15, 2004, Blogger E. said...

hoi sheena! cheer up! people can't have everything they want pero God makes sure that there is something really special in each that will make up for the things we lack. diba??? chaka, di lang ikaw ang walang love life noh! eto pa pala, diba parang ang panget naman kung na-in love ung isang guy dhel lang sa mukha mo or figure mo at hindi SA'YO mismo??? kaya ok lang yan! pray ka lang always. promise, very powerful to :D. take it from someone who WAS an atheist. :D


miss na kitang baby groupmate! :D

At Wednesday, September 15, 2004, Blogger E. said...

wag mong madaliin ung love..dadating din yun..when you least expect it. pero u to prepare yourself for the worst kpag ndyan na..kse dude masaket. sobra. tipong gusto mo cya, gusto ka nya, pero di pwede dhel sa sobrang dameng mabibigat na reasons. aba, bket ako nagdadrama??? haha..andaya mo..bket kay henson nagtag ka..sken nde...tampo na 'ko..porket wala na tayo sa st. scho, ganyanan na..wahaha! :D


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