Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

contemplating substantiality

Thought about life. I just thought about it... Also, of the propensity of what people do in order to survive. Some change for the good, some stay moral... and yet some others...

Can't people see the meaning of life?

Life is... life is naught but an exaggeration of the word "borrowed".

It isn't ours. Never was. Never will be. For if it was, being "selfish" would never be a sin. I wouldn't let the dirty hands of death claw over my existence. I'd keep on living, breathing and moving under the sun along with all existing creatures of God.

Yes, I believe in a God. I believe in God. I cannot NOT believe Him... for if it wasn't for Him... if it wasn't for His saving grace, His blessing soul, His wondrous presence and His ability to lend with never-ending trust, death would have been smilling smugly now. Death, whose fingernails scraped me and left physical wounds, would have been rejoicing now but... God held my body and soul as tight as He could without squishing and suffocating me, never letting go until Death turned its back and gave up. Life was almost returned to it's owner by the messenger, but the owner, kind and understanding, shook His head and gave back what He lent saying: "You can have it for a bit longer... just remember, I'll come back and get it. Though I want to give it to you, I can't and I can't tell you why for you won't be able to understand... not as long as you have it... but when you return it to me, all your questions shall be given answers." Everything was like a dream, the next day came and looking around, I knew it was. Despite that knowledge though, my faith deepened and grew stronger. I believe in God, the owner of my existence. Why? Because I got to open my eyes, I got to feel... I survived.

Life... Life may not be ours but we have FULL control of it. We can keep it in good condition or give it back ruined. We can choose to throw it together with all our other things, losing it on this big pile of mess, or place it on a simple shelf where it stays clean and dirt-free. We can return it anytime or keep it longer... it's all up to us. We have the power to do what we want with it. But...

There's just one thing we need to understand... what we borrowed is PRECIOUS! It is something we want and something we enjoy having. It cannot be replaced but when damaged, it can be repaired. It's ordinary but it's a necessity. Many people take it for granted but those who lose it, want it back. It's simple, it's free and it's personalized... but we have to accept one thing, that one day we have to return it. That's why... can't we at least... while we still have it, can't we make sure that we guard it... guard it with ALL... with all that we have?!

*Life is but a miracle... understand one fact, though it can be unfair... life is wonderful, beautiful, honest... and real!*


At Tuesday, April 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ang lalim mo naman mashee.. haha.. hindi ko alam kung anong meaning o life. at hindi ko actuali magets ang mga sinasabi mo sa entries mo. hehe.. pwede ba tagalog? hahhaha.. pero malalim ka pare! malalim ka pa sa marianas trench

At Friday, April 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me read your current entry. I've just taken up philosphy, so here I go.

I disagree with you on a lot of things. I still believe in God, but I realized that this belief in God is pretty messed up. You said that we have FULL CONTROL of our lives. Are you sure? Diba sabi sa mga CLE class na God has a plan for us? If we indeed have full control of our lives, where does God's plan come in? Or if God HAS planned our lives, how do we have full control of our lives? You'll probably say na we control our lives through the choices that we make. However, God is supposed to be all-knowing, so he probably already planned these choices that we'll make. So where's the free will in that?

I have lots more on my mind, pero I can't seem to organize my thoughts. Lagyan ko na lang ng pahabol. Hehe. Miss you!


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