Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Friday, April 28, 2006

We SHOULD LIVE To Die To "Live On" Even AFTER We're DEAD

An additional note to what was written previously:

We have control of how we get around to what it is God has in store for us. We can choose the easy way or the hard way to reaching the plans God already made (for us). Remember, we can never choose our beginning and end but we can at least choose HOW we get to the end. It is a cold, hard fact: we begin by living and we end by dying. We live to die. Face it. It's the truth. It's reality.

But though our final actions are our last breath, last movement, last beating of the heart, we can at least choose to linger on or die together with our body.

The challenges and trials we face in our life were part of the paths we choose. TRUE, God already knew what will happen to us if we chose a certain path but prior to these, we were laid out paths we could take. Paths we, ourselves, have to make decisions if we will take it or not. We were shown these paths as a map would show roads, bridges and streets. When you reach a certain destination, everything is there, everything is laid out... and all we have to do is "CHOOSE" .

Like a map, God gave us directions, God gave us paths to take and God laid out everything there to happen to us if we have "chosen" to take a certain path. Like a map, God guides and shows the way and in fact, gave us the blueprints of what will happen to our lives. He (note: I'm not sure if I believe God has a gender. But I'm going to use He as "he" is commonly used to refer to both gender - or at least I think so- and I lack writing skills as I can't think of another pronoun to use.) gave us both our brains and hearts to think and feel respectively. We have the FREE WILL because God, just like a map, ONLY SHOWS us the paths but does NOT really PUSH us to take any certain path.

So, knowing you can make choices and you that all your decisions are valuable, live your lives not only to die but to live on even after your dead. I hope you all understand. It isn't easy. Never was. Never is. But it is Possible.

May God bless you all!

***additonal note: I have no real intention of comparing God to a map but a "map" just seems to be the only "perfect" thing that came to mind to compare God to as of the moment. If I think of something else, I will write it down***


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