Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Flight of a hatchling

I can't wait to finally be able to fly!

If there's one thing I so dislike, it's having a home without my own. It's not like I'm going to totally leave the pack, it's just that I have this really big hunger for a world where I can have enough room to lay my wings to rest and spread them as far as I can. Of course, a single world is interconnected with other worlds... some just have huge gaps between them. Still, I entertain and welcome aliens. As long as they don't start destrying my planet.

I'm totally glad I'm no reptile hatchling! Though it may have come with a few benefits? Still, I like the way I am. I just need more space and I TOTALLY think that I can achieve that by flight. After a few years time, I'd be able to conquer the air! =)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I refuse to give-in

"People who think too highly of themselves don't deserve my attention, or anybody's, in fact!"

That's a quote I live by. In fact, those people "love"/ "appreciate" themselves too much, they don't need other people to "love" or "appreciate" them anymore. Haha. It won't be our loss though! =b

I just needed to vent-out. =b I'm just so shocked to find people like this. Tsktsk. I'm just so glad my friends aren't like that. If they were, they wouldn't, in the first place, be called my "friends"! God, I'm just sooo thankful you gave me all these nice people. Imperfect, but actually, I couldn't ask for more! =)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's me again

That dark feeling came washing over me again
and yet I still get stinking dirty
I want to get loose but when will it end
I want to end it all

I don't know what the future brings
but I know what it brought
unless everything changes
it all goes through the same cycle

It all makes sense but the blurryness doesn't
I can see well but I'm not seen
everything I've been hiding
wll be hidden until that day...


I forget it all...

and live life...
the way I was supposed to.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Let's race. (jk)

It's my summer break now and I need to go back!!!

Back to the gym! hehehe

Anyways, I also want and need to take up driving lessons this break. So by the end of it, I'd know how to drive well.. hehe. I need to drive for my family! If not, no one will... well, my dad... but... I think he needs a break from time to time. (My cousin could also drive... but what if he's not at home?) I NEED to learn!

True, I was afraid that I might not be a good driver, but now... I know I have gotta face reality.. and hey, I know I AM going to be a good driver.. just need to put my head and heart into it. =)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Between two strangers, music flows

***A song I made someone sing... it was quite memorable: fun and embarrasing but I don't think I'd forget that day... despite it being between two strangers...***

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Lying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
'Cause I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Ohh. I just got my gray contact lens yesterday at MOA (Mall of Asia). hehe just for fun. Hmm. This is the first time I've ever worn contacts but they're so cool. ohh. Maybe I'll take a photo of me wearing it... though it's not the obvious on the camera.. tsktsk. Well, still, I'm going to make full use of it. Besides... it'll only last for 3 months. Meaning: by February.

Ohh. I sure hope I lose weight by them. Right now, I'm still in conflict and trying to figure out how to out-wise myself. I give in to temptations too much. tsktsk. This time though, I know better. So... I'll REALLY try. I'll do my best! =D

Oh, right now, I'm hooked at watching Jigoku Shoujo a.k.a Hell Girl. It's an anime and it's interesting. I want to finish it. =)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

To See the Truth

In denial of a lot of things. Things that are even too obvious to deny. Hmm.. maybe not "deny " exactly, just not seen clearly. Not focused on.

My life... if things were a little different.. what would have happened to me? If I weren't as chubby as I am now? If I weren't lazy?

Honestly, I don't know. I have guesses but still, that doesn't mean those are the things that WILL happen had things been different.

Right now, I see the truth... after that, I need to face it and do something about it. Seeing the truth was HARD. Facing it and doing something about it... that's even H-A-R-D-E-R! But after that, life becomes easier. I would become happier and my world would become better.

I'm sure of it! =)