Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Sleepiness manifested

Yes! I'm still awake! I'm still online! And.. I'm still writing! haha. Hey, I keep forgetting to write in my blog, better grab this oppurtunity.

Hmm... I know I should be sleeping right now. I told myself I'd sleep around 10 pm, not more than that time. haha. Okay, okay. I'll follow and keep that schedule. After this, I will! I hope so. hehe

Ohh. I also keep forgetting about my gym schedule. I keep procrastinating. tsktsk What's up with all that? I know it's healthy for me and hey, I'm old enough to go there by myself. Better go back and get back to shape (ermm.. THAT doesn't apply to me tsktsk, let's change it then). Better go back and get shaping! *laughs out loud* Is that correct? Oh well, whatever. I'm getting a little sleepy.

Ohhh, I just thought of something. I have ALWAYS, since I can remember, wanted a wavy hair like those people in those movies or series whose long, wavy hairs are almost always in perfect place. Yes, I still want that kind of style but right now, I'm going to try something. After I've lost hmmm... 20 pounds, I'm going to cut my hair really short (well, still up to shoulder-length). Why? argh! Split-ends!

hehe.. so that's about it for now, better wash and freshen myself up first before I go beddy-by (? is that even the right spelling) haha whatever.


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