Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Stung by a bug

Ohhh.. I made some sort of a story or scene.. hehehe I don't know... I think I was just suddenly stung by some sort of romance bug or something. Suddenly, I wanted to write!?! Trust me, I don't usually write, except for those written requirements for school since it's all graded and all, but when I do, well... let us just say... the inspiration rarely comes. hehe

So... here goes:

"Missed me?"

He hugged her from behind as he asked this. She smiled and turned around.

"Hmm... What do you think?"

She looked into his eyes, lost in his stare. He held her gaze, bent his head, his mouth almost touching her right ear as he whispered,

"I think you do."

Her face heated up. She could feel the closeness of his lips and the warmth of his breath. Her cheeks turning a different shade of light pink to rosy red. He looked at her as if memorizing every feature of her face,

"I love it when you blush."

She just blushed! She rarely blushes.


Her eyes cast downwards as she tried to speak.

"Hush..." he placed his finger on her lips, "don't say a word."

She then looked at him and was startled to see such intensity in his eyes. His eyes, unlike those expressions she'd seen from him before, was different. Everything about him was different... even the feeling with him has turned different too.

She gasped as she felt his lips on here forehead. He gave a small laugh then kissed her nose. She felt her heart skip a beat then felt it punding crazily, beating faster. He wasn't laughing now. He opened his lips, his nose touching hers,

"I missed you so much"

They both closed their eyes, breathing hard... and as both hearts start to race, his lips closed over hers.

Haha. There... my silliness enabled me to make such a scene.. hehe


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