Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

part of the whole

"What's in a touch? ...a kiss? ...a tear?"

Oh well, for now, I'm just going to have fun anyways. No one said anything about being serious... though secretly, I think I have been wishing for that. hahaha

Hmm... what is important for me? I've been thinking about that. Hmm.. but I don't think those two will have a say in my future. I mean... with the way things are turning... tsktsk. Unless they change, unless I change... nothing will come out of this... pasttime... Anyways, I'll have what I want... one way or another. Hmm.. first, I must know what it is though. hehe

Oh yeah, sweet words are nothing, promises are nothing. I don't like false hope but I'd like to be given hope. haha

'What is the use of this all?' I'd like to ask. But well... it's all for fun. =) Fun... I keep having unnecessary fun, when will I even learn to be more practical? hehe Yes, on the process now. Learning... Learning... I'm doing that. I'm trying. =)

I'm torn into two... almost in everything... almost in every part of my life. I like doing something yet I do another. tsktsk. hehe.

Know what I think? I think I'm just being a fool. A fool for not believing, a fool for not taking a chance, a fool for taking a chance and a fool for waiting. I don't want to be a fool anymore. I don't even know if I am actually. One thing I would like to know though... I'd like to know how to get rid of this feeling. That's all and I think I'd be happy.

"Relax" Yeah... I know... "You worry too much" Again, I know. HAHA Fine. I'll try to relax and not worry too much. I'll do my best. So... I guess...

I need to give it my all right? ... so I can get it all back. =) Like I've heard..."You give some, you get some... you give all, you'll have all." hmm.. this time, I need to be less defensive and a little more assertive. =)


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