Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The world revolves around money

Tsk Tsk. There are lots of things left to be done. Hmmm. First of all, I need to save!! waah! HAHA Alright, I shall not panic. =b But I need to deliver a letter to 3 people. 2 of whom I already have their addresses and the last one... Oh I don't know... but I want her to know that I still care and that I'm still, and forever will be, her friend. Parvah! Miss you so much, girl! =)

Oh yeah, I've sent my notebook letter to one of my bestfriends, Grace.
She's my bestfriend since gradeschool. I so miss her. Hehe I haven't finished updating it though... so I can't send it back yet pfft pfft and pfft. hehe Argh. I also need money so we can go out together. For now... I only have P70.00 in my wallet. hahaha. I want to work again. I need to save money! Save, save and save.

And... oh yeah! Christmas gifts. Ohhh.. speaking of gifts... someone's birthday is coming up. tee hee hee. I've been given a suggestion on what to give hmm.. hope I can make and give it though. Waah. I also need money for that.

Pffft. What must a girl do to get some cash? yeah I know, besides work, save. hehehe I will. I will.

Miss all my friends. Ohh. I've been in contact with Abbi lately. Hehe so cool! This week can not get better than this. Well.. it can. High grades!! Bwahahaha. Thank you, thank you =) I really am so happy. =)

Thanks for all the support. I really appreciate this life more. My life more. You've all given me hope... for every tiny aspect in my life that can change the way I live... for the better.


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