Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Friday, June 23, 2006

All I need is time

I'm going to be the BEST I can be! Why? I had no reason why.. but now, I think I do... I love my family and I love myself AND I'm going to show them just how much I love them.

Let's stop with all those cards, candies, flowers, etc. They may look sweet and all, but they wouldn't show just how much I love my parents and sisters. When the time comes and each of us siblings have to move out of our house... I want us to be a happy family who would want to keep on coming back home.

So how will I do those stuff? Simple. First step: lessen my pride. (HARD! But achievable). Second: Lose weight (another hard thing to do.. but NOt as hard as lessening pride).Third: Get HIGH grades in ALL subjects.. in short be part of the Dean's list. (All I need is hardwork) and Fourth: Love myself more by being genuinely optimistic and being less defensive about stuff.

Find your beauty. Life IS beautiful. My life is worthy of anything and everything. I don't need a man to be happy! I don't need to be in a relationship to be beautiful! Also,I definitely don't need some guy to know I have great qualities. Of course, I'm not turning men down.. but someday, when the time comes, I'll have someone. For now, I'm not alone: thanks to myself, family and friends. =)

So... question: do I need a boyfriend?? Answer: I may want one, but I don't need one. Why do I live? To find my happiness and to share my happiness with people. If one day I'd meet my guy, I'll welcome him, but now... I have solo time, I welcome this time wholeheartedly. Though being in a relationship is great, being single is also nice.. at least for now. =)

Another question: They say to love yourself, but what does "loving oneself" mean? Answer: Loving oneself is just like loving someone else. You would want to do anything to make that person happy and you would wish the best for that person. Just like in loving yourself, you do what you think is best for you, you do what makes you happy and you do it just for the reason you care about yourself.

Hmm... question: Will it matter in a relationship if I love myself truly? Answer: Yes, of course. If you love yourself truly, you show to your partner that you can also love him and care for him as much as you have loved and cared for yourself. He will deeply appreciate it and love and care for you as much as you do to him. =)

Last question: what's stopping me from really loving myself? Answer: NOTHING! I love myself and I'm going to love myself no matter what. Go for it, Mashee!!!


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