Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

a little too insane? Yeah, you may say that. Bleh! Who cares anyway? I, myself, don't even give a... anything.. =b

Anyways, I dressed up real good today. I was in some sporty-chick get-up. Some might say I look like I'm going out on a date. Yeah, I do have a date... with my mom.=) Yep, you guessed it.. shopping! But.. she bailed out. For good reasons though, headache... err? Is that good? uhhh... A-ny-ways... Tsk.. I gave her some warm water. My dad's taking care of her (my dad was sick the other day, my mom took care of him). They're so sweet! Yes, they have arguments sometimes but I love them and I love their relationship. Anyways, I'm not as selfish as... well.. just not that selfish.. I don't mind not shopping (even though, I love it) if there's health at stake.

So... I have this friend... he's really nice. We're in good terms, but friends. I like him (kinda)... but I'm putting my feelings away. I'm not being a martyr or anything.. I'm just trudging on dangerous ground. He's meant for someone else, not for me and I am definitely am not meant for him... I don't know what his feelings are for me and honestly, I'm scared to know... most likely he does not like me but if he does..well... *speechless* Anyways, I'm writting it down coz I'm saying farewell to these feelings I've invented. I've asked for signs... and I keep getting a "maybe" or "there's no signal. try again." The problem is should I try again and if I do, what if the answer is yes? Boublahts! I just cannot let that happen. It'll ruin everything. Honestly, I just need to meet someone else to help me forget about all these...

Err.. is the guy of my dreams somewhere out there? If you are, why won't you answer? Would you want me to wait for you still? hmm... Fine. I'll wait. But from now on, you won't catch me sitting-by-the-window waiting. My heart will wait for you but I'll be moving on with life. =)


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