Just be yourself

Save me from this cruel bit of humanity left it me! Make me what I was meant to be not what I wanted nor what I am. Accept who I am for I can never be who I was. The world may change but you can never change me.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Piano Skills

There really are LOTS of things I want to do! Besides, losing weight, which I will do, I want to learn many piano pieces. Arghh.. I want to enhance my piano skills! *big smile*

I want to play Moonlight Sonata (even just the easy piece), Chopin's Nocturne, Beethoven's Fur Elise and many more!!

Listening to music right now. Just relaxing before I go studying again. =)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

random thoughts

It's my sister's bday in 2 days. I still don't have a gift for her... hmm.. what does she want? I'll think of something nice. =)

I want to keep reading some books. I'll read and read til I can not read anymore. hehehe

I miss him. He misses me too. That's all I'm going to say about my recent relationship(?). No other comment.

I ate a lot again. I'm going back to dieting and exercising. I shalln't let myself be tempted. Oh yes, I'm also going to finish that book about taking care of my health. Need to care for myself if I want to care for others and also, maybe, if I want others to care for me.

I wish all that almost all that my distant relative predicted about me would come true. I want to meet someone like that of Jennifer Low Hewitt's screen husband on Ghost Whisperer. Also, I want to watch season 2 of Ghost Whisperer. =)

I might work... I'm really thinking. I know it'll help me but I'm thinking if I will really be able to stick to it. hmm...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Being Strong


But it's good I learned it as soon as possible. God, I'm having a break up before I even had a...

Yeah, anyways, moving on is always easy for me to do. :) I'm used to this *a little ...* haha but hey! At least, I can carry myself well =D =]

It's just a little sad though... I was hoping... but nevermind, it doesn't matter anymore. I've just been told to stop. I'm a pretty obedient girl at times... if that's what it going to be, that's what I'll let it be.

Well, I'm locking it up and throwing away the key. Anyone who wants to open it had better be ready to face pains looking for the key to open it. =)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


A strong typhoon has hit Luzon, the northern part of the Philippines, and of course, the country's capital was affected too. I live in Manila and was it chaotic here! The trees were uprooted, roofs were torn and carried somewhere by the wind, wires have been dislodged and even those big metal poles were bent. No electricity. No water... no home for the other people... Bleh. I've read in the newspaper that more or less 70 (seventy) people died due to the typhoon. And to think, the typhoon only lasted a day. Bleh.

Well.. let's stop with the bad news and give some good news. Oh yeah! UST has won the second game versus Ateneo. Of course, I'm pro-UST, I came from there. game 1: 72-73 and game 2: 87-71. Tomorrow might be the last game and of course, hopefully UST wins! Whoohoo! hehehe (Yeah, yeah, I'm biased. So what!? Can you blame me? =b)

Ohh.. here are some of the pictures my friend and I took of ourselves when we were still experiencing a blackout. (Hey, this is my blog, I have the right to put most of my pictures. hehehe)